Vitamin Advantage Medical
Vitamin Advantage Medical
Opening hours
109 Hudson Rd NW
Calgary, Alberta T2K 2B4
Calgary, Alberta T2K 2B4
Our Booking PolicyVitamin IV appointments must be cancelled 24hrs in advance or the full IV fee will apply. PLEASE NOTE, VITAMIN IVS CAN ONLY BE GIVEN TO PATIENTS WHO HAVE HAD A INITAL CONSULTATION.
Appointment Type
Nutrient deficiencies from modern diets and lifestyle choices can masquerade as chronic illness. Orthomolecular Medicine is the practice of diagnosing and correcting individual nutrient deficiencies to achieve optimal health.
Dr. Hall has a special interest in Orthomolecular Medicine- the use of naturally occurring molecules such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. In addition to oral supplementation, Dr. Hall also specializes in intramuscular vitamin injections and parenteral intravenous vitamin therapy. Dr. Hall is passionate about diagnosing and correcting biochemical imbalances in her patients to resolve symptoms and ameliorate disease.
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